Christina Resas' blog post can be found here.
I agree with much of what Chistina Resas posted about sex ed in Texas. I certainly agree that teaching "safe sex" promotes teen sex. I also believe teaching abstinence is the right way to teach sex ed.
I do have a hard time agreeing that Texas should require sex education. It's sad that kids don't learn the basics of life from their parents and churches any more. But apperently many parents just aren't teaching their kids properly, and once again we must rely on the public school system to raise our children. In the end I must agree that Texas should require sex ed, in the form of teaching abstinence; I just think it's sad that this is necesary.
Resas' blog post was well written with interesting and surprising statistics. She communicated her veiws clearly and supported her arguments with facts and personal experiences, such as the Planned Parenthood employees pushing condoms. I also liked her conclusion, where she congradulates Texas for moving in the right direction by trying to reduce the death toll that abortion brings to Texas.