Reading a recent post by a "meanrachel" evoked several emotions and responses from me. This post made me: disgusted, confused, laugh, angry, offended, but most of all -proud to be a Texan under Rick Perry.
"What a Rick Perry Presidency Would Look Like for Women" was the title of the post. After reading it, I thought a more appropriate title would read: "What a Rick Perry Presidency Would Look Like for a Baby-killing, Atheist, Sex-crazed, Slut with no money". All of the policies she mentions would have little to no effect on a normal self-respecting Texan woman; and they would certainly not be effected negatively. Now for a female who can't keep her legs shut and would rather commit murder than change a diaper.... I can see why Perry wouldn't be your first choice - but really, are we going to assume all women are that way?? That seems pretty sexist to me. I think it is safe to say that there are enough ladies in Texas who respect their bodies and their children; making the word "Women" seem out like a poor word choice for the title to the blog post.
Lets look at some of the future president's policies that so-called "women" may have a problem with.
Abstinence. "meanretard" thinks moral values are old fashioned. So be it. The truth is that abstinence is the only fool proof form of birth control. To argue otherwise would be like suggesting that birth control pills don't work because you might choose not to take them. I have no problems with the pills personally, but I don't want to pay for yours. If one is too poor to buy the pills, and the Government stops providing them through tax payer's dollars.... Well one thing about abstinence, the price is right. As a taxpayer it is not my job to fund other peoples sex lives.
Abortion. Perry's required sonograms are a weak piece of legislation. It is time to re-criminalize murder.
Education. "meanrachel" seems to think that High School Diplomas are hard to come by in Texas. That may have been her personal experience. I came by mine fairly easily. The key to getting a diploma in Texas is simple: you have to want it! Lets stop assuming that everyone wants a HS diploma. It's ok to not finish school if you want; it's a beautiful thing called freedom. I am NOT convinced that Texans are struggling and failing to graduate high school.
In conclusion "meanrachel" states, "I just hope there's a Plan B pill for what happens when all these children grow up -- because President Perry, just like Governor Perry, certainly doesn't plan to care for them. "
This is where I couldn't help but laugh. Doesn't plan to care for them?! In what country's constitution does it say that the President should take care of your children?? I got an idea, raise your own damn children and teach them to take care of themselves when they grow up. If "meanrachel" would get out of Planned Parenthood long enough to read the Constitution of the United States of America, she would know that the president's job is to provide for the defense of our country and its boarders. Period.
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